- Move Camera


- Camera Height


- Rotate Camera

Mouse Middle Button or Arrows


1. Turn Effects On and Off for both star and Star Shine objects. Note that when the effects are turned on, the object is cutoff at the top and/or bottom. Move the camera around to see how the cutoff changes.

2. Change the layer Z value and check that the cutoff threshold changes. With the right values, it's possible to almost fix the cutoff the issue, but it's not very reliable, and new problems show up when adding rotation to the object.

3. With a layer Z value different than 0, add rotation to the Star. You can see that it rotates off center.
On this case, check the "Rotation Fix" checkbox. Even though it fixes the rotation problem, you can see that the Cutoff becomes even worse with with this fix.

Z rotation alone with with a layer Z value of 0 also triggers the cutoff issue sometimes.

4. Turn on the 3D Shine Effect. The aim is to create a more detailed effect with this, but I need it to rotate towards the camera. The only way I'm able to achieve this is using the Rotate 3D object behavior, as the 3D object does not possess a "rotate towards position" action. I tried different ways but wasn't able to achieve it.

You can see that as soon as you turn on billboard, the position of the 3D shine changes and can't be restored. (There isn't also an option to disable the Rotate 3D behavior. That would be nice.)

5. Finally, you can check the 3D Rotation Tracker Text that tracks the 3D rotation of the selected Star Glow object. Unfortunately, even though the expression exists, it doesn't provide a value.

Hope I didn't forget anything!

I made this demo interactive in order to make it easier for you to test all different scenarios. Hope it helps.

Published 29 days ago
AuthorCreative Ed
Made withConstruct


3D Sample.c3p 4.7 MB


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1. Make the StarShine sprite have more transparency around it (e.g. resize centered with a value like 800 for width/height)

Now looking at the layer Z rotation issue

For layer Z rotation issue, try:

Also for rotate 3d w/ layer z elevation:
